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Sciaenochromis Fryeri / Ahli
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Sciaenochromis Fryeri / Ahli
Blank Separator
Blank Separator
Blank Separator
Blank Separator
Sciaenochromis Fryeri is commonly called "the Electric Blue Hap" and sometimes just "Electric Blue". Often it is traded, or has been traded in the hobby using old scientific names applied to it, which were proven to be incorrect Haplochromis Jacksoni, Haplochromis CF. Ahli, Haplochromis Ahli and Cyrtocara Ahli. Sciaenochromis Fryeri is best known for its stunning electric blue color in the males. The females however are a generic brownish-grey to silver depending on their collection point. This blue color changes in intensity depending upon the male's mood. During spawning, or displaying to other fish, they will display dark vertical barring. There are many morphs of Sciaenochromis Fryeri throughout Lake Malawi, but all have the same electric blue color. Typically, males of the southern populations display a white blaze that northern populations lack. Differences also arise in the coloring of their dorsal, anal, and caudal fins, and there is some body depth variation as well. The most common collection points for these white blaze specimens is Maleri Island. The Likoma Island variants lack the full white blaze, but extra large specimens can display the blaze. The Likoma Island variants also tend to have a very reddish anal fin.

Size : 18cm
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